How Data Analytics Drives Business Growth and Efficiency?

Data Analytics

Data analytics is the process of examining data sets to draw conclusions about the information they contain. In today’s business world, we are incapable of operating with full functionality outside data analytics. According to a report by MicroStrategy, 94% of enterprises believe that data and analytics are important to their business growth and digital transformation. […]

Unlock Market Potential: The Role of Market Research Companies in Dubai

Market research company

Market research is vital for any business, and the world knows this. In fact, in 2025, the worldwide big data industry is projected to be worth USD 123.2 billion. More data to process means more information to be garnered by businesses. Market research helps you understand your customers beyond the surface. 90% of marketers say […]

How Can Competitor Research Help Improve Business Performance?

Research Competitors

When starting a business, staying afloat in the first few years is necessary. The statistics are stark: 21.9% of businesses fail in their first year, and by the fifth year, the failure rate increases to 50%. The most common reason for the dissolution of these businesses is a lack of market. Buyers are not convinced […]

7 Secrets to Outsmart Your Competitors: Research Insights

Brand Positioning Survey

The world of business has only one unchangeable rule: outsmart the competition or get stumped. It’s how conglomerates became giants and how they stay on top. And that’s what you need to succeed. Look at Starbucks for instance. The my Starbucks app amassed over 3 million users within just three months, and 26 million within […]

Demystifying Mystery Shopper Market Research: A Comprehensive Overview

Mystery Shopper Market Research

Mystery shopper market research is a method used by businesses to assess the quality of their services and products. What makes this method unique is that it is carried out from the perspective of an anonymous customer. You, as a business owner, hire individuals to pose as regular customers and evaluate various aspects of your […]

Elevate Your Reports: How Data Storytelling Consulting Adds Value

Data Storytelling Consulting

Did you know that there was a point in time when I could not brag about being an industry report mogul? If you were to ask me what would happen to your business after the next fortnight, my reply would be “Why don’t you try it out and see for yourself?” But something happened that […]

Feasibility Study: Why Your Business Needs It

Market Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is an analytical tool used to assess the chances of survival of a business idea in the real world. Checking the viability of your business requires a lot of groundwork. You have to consider those that were in the market before you. What are their sales like? What could they do differently? […]

6 Types of Competitor Analysis Frameworks To Master

Competitor Benchmarking Framework

Understanding your competitors is a superpower. Being armed with this information, you know what’s coming next. You know what your buyers want and who provides a service that would render yours inferior (or a close second). You know who’s leading the charts and can predict what to expect in the near future. Competitor analysis frameworks […]

8 Key Metrics to Measure Brand Awareness in Your Survey

Brand Awareness

When you go into a mall, it’s grocery shopping day. You want to get some butter, toilet paper, and tape. You’d go for a most familiar product. You’d go for Lurpak butter, Kleenex, and Scotch tape (if those are your preferred brands). You’re not alone. 61% of consumers buy products from businesses that offer original […]

Forecasting Success: A Market Trend Deep Dive

Market Trend Analysis

We create businesses and brands for a purpose. Whether wealth generation, reputation, or passion, no one starts a business without envisioning success. Now, what happens when you start in a new market and have to figure out why things are not playing out as you dreamed? How do you figure out where the problem is […]